Thursday 7 January 2010

Stuck at Home And Unhealthy Diets

Hey Guys!

You know what i just figured?? nowadays, kids who are stuck at home (such as me) spend more time facing a screen than not facing a screen. Like my typical day at home is like:
wake up at 11:00
have lunch
watch tv while having lunch
go onto the computer
play wii
think about taking my dog out for a walk an then deciding to play ds
play piano
play ping pong
listen to my ipod while reading
more computer
more tv
more computer

I think i made my point.. heehee.
Like all my friends are also addicted to vid games and computers.. like what happened to going out for a walk, or drawing, or reading, or going to the park and play some ball, etc?? Either we are getting lazier or technology is starting to take control of us....*eek*! thats a freaky thought!!

Another thing which annoys me a lot is the present diet. like, people start to blame mc donalds for making unhealthy food, but have you ever thought that youre the one choosing to eat there?! When youre complaining about the unhealthy snacks, why dont u order a salad instead of a big mac?! See my point?!? then people diet because of their diet.. althought dieting does work, its not particularly healthy. like totally cut the extra fat but dont cut the veggies or the meat!!! i mean, puh-lease!!! Have you tried BURNING the calories instead of dieting to AVOID them? sports are super healthy and will totally help you burn calories. sports will also help you socialize better and avoid screens (hmm.. my two points are now starting to join.. hmm)!!!

I guess i thought i needed to share this with ppl...

Oh! and bout my day today... I WAS NOT STUCK AT HOME!!! *yay* I actually went to play tennis and it was my dads bday!!! unfortunately i spent most of my day playing wii w. my cousin and my brother and we finally ended the game rock band (btw, ppl who are thinking bout buying rock band or guitar hero, go for gh!!! the songs are better and the notes are better... sorry rb, but ur not that good).

Gotta go,
bye peeps,
Lissa (a.k.a. Xinezah)

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