Wednesday 6 January 2010

Me: Lissa (a.k.a. Xinezah)

Hey Guys!

I'm not a particularly good writer, but i guess that writing blogs isn't something that requires an enormous amount of talent and its meant to be something enjoyable. =P
Another thing you should know about me is that i constantly say im going to write in my journal, diary, blog everyday. well guess what?!?! i end up not writing everyday so... sorry peeps.

I think that writing this blog will be great cuz i can finally take some weight off my shoulders. Also, its gonna be a much more productive way of spending my holidays.. heheehhe

well... i kinda gotta sleep so...
good night peeps,
Lissa (a.k.a. Xinezah)


  1. Thus is an excessive retarded and abusive piece of writing!
    The insertion of irony is terrible and an offense to all the bloggers!

  2. hahahah 'JOHN', i just wanted to THANK you for REPORTING MY BLOG SEVERAL TIMES without ANY reason, WHATSOEVER...!!

    lissa - great blog - keep it up!
    (stupid comment, sorry - I'm not a good writer either hahahah)

  3. LOL!!! thx ca!!! pelo menos vc naum me insulted and said that my blog was abusive and retarded and then named ur self something random like maria. sla.. hahaha!
