Thursday 7 January 2010

House Of Night Series

Hey Guys!
Recently I have been tired of reading the same books: Harry Potter, Eragon, The Golden Compass, Inkheart, etc. Luckily i found this series, which totally owns twilight.

At first when i read the blurb of the first book, Marked, i thought that it was going to be exactly like twilight and all those other vampire cheesy books, but this is NOTHING like that! The House Of Night Series is catchy, intriguing, sexy, new and hip. In other words.. TOTALLY AWESOME! Its about this girl Zoey Montgomery, who just wants to fit in. Her mother re married a man called John Heffer and ever since she has changed completely. The only person Zoey trusts is her Grandmother, Sylvia Redbird. One day at school, a tracker vampyre marks Zoey. She then goes to the only vampyre school in that area: The House Of Night. She gets to start a new life with a new name, new school and new habbts. There, she makes new friends but unfortunately, her wish of being normal is not happening. Zoey is the only third former fledging who has a filled in mark. She is already loathed by the most popular group: The Dark Daughters. How will she manage to fit in?

The series already has 6 published books. Hope you guys like it, I totally loved it!!! This is the website of the books if you are interested:

So thats all.. til the next time,
Lissa (a.k.a. Xinezah)

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