Monday 5 July 2010

Wow! Time passes by sooo. quickly

Heyy guys!
Its been such a long time!! I havent written here since what? March? Wow! So instead of writinhg about the events in different posts, I will quickly and briefly describe what happened between brasilia and now. Well, basically NOTHING. I did have a birthday party and it was pretty good =) take a look: -->

Ah! There was the prize giving at my school, yes on the last day of school before we had holidays. Im proud to say that I did get the Music and McCann prize this year =D My friends, specially Rafael and Filshill also won several prizes! Im sooo proud of them =)

Hm, my best friend is also moving to another school, which is sad, but at least shes stil in Brazil! We had this goodbye party at my other friends house.

And alas, HOLIDAYS! Back to blogging, watching LOADS of films, reading even more books, waking up at 12:00 and doing absolutely NOTHING. Up til now, I've read 18 books and i will make suggestions on my next post.

So, that is about it =)
Talk to you guys later!
Lissa (a.k.a. Xinezah)

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