Tuesday 13 July 2010

Books Im DYING for!

Heyy Guys!!!

As you have probably gathered, im a book addict! And so, that means that I spend half my time reading books and the other half waiting for the next book in the series to come out... which is sad. Since nothing in my life is very exciting, I will make a list on the books I cant wait for! =) Btw, its bigger than me recomendations list... =P

1) The Last Sacrifice
Last book of the Vampire Academy series and it is written by Richelle Mead. It comes out on 7/12/2010

2) Awakened
Part of the House of Night series and writtten by P.C and Kristen Cast. Out on the 4/01/2011

3) Jealousy
Written by Lilith St. Crow. 3rd book of the series of Strange Angels. Out VERY soon (=D) 29/07/2010

4) City of Fallen Angels
4th book of the Mortal Instruments series. Written by Casssandra Clare. Out on the 29/04/2011

5) Clockwork Angels
Also written by Cassandra Clare. First book from the Infernal Devices series! out on the 31/08/2010

6) Torment
Follows Fallen by Lauren Kate. Out on the 28/09/2010

7) Crescendo
By Becca Fitzpatrick. Out on the 19/10/2010

8) Bitterblue
3rd book by Kristin Cashore and follows Graceling! Going to be published on the 01/04/2010

9) Iron Crowned
3rd book from the Black Swan Series. Also by Richelle Mead and out on February 2011

10) Kisses from hell
Its going to be written by various authors and it is going to come out on thee 24/08/2010

11) Succubus Revealed
Yes, Richelle Mead again. out on September, 2011

I really cant stand waiting and im dying to read them all!!! ARRGGHH!!!

Google them, all of them belong to some series and they are all totally reasonable to read. scratch that, they are VERY addictive and definately worth the time to read them! =)

Monday 5 July 2010

Book Recomendations!

Heyy Guys!

I rarely travel during holidays and i find reading a VERY good past time. In case you are looking for something good to read (like myself), here are some recomendations!

1)House of Night Series - PC and Kristen Cast
I actually have a post about these series somewhere. Take a look at it! Oh! take a look at the site as well: www.houseofnightseries.com . There are 7 books: Marked, Betrayed, Chosen, Untamed, Hunted, Tempted and Burned. The 8th book is apparently called Awakened and it is going to be published on the 4th January, 2011. Cant wait for it!

2)Vampire Academy, Georgina Kincaid and Black Swan Series - Richelle Mead
a) Vampire Academy - These books are about this young guardian Dhampir named Rose Hathaway. Her best friend, Lissa, is part of the Moroi, specifically, the royal Moroi. During her educationaly, or not so educational, years at St. Vladmirs, she meets with another Dhampir, Dimitri Belikov. He is her mentor, but yeah, they do fall in love. The site is: www.vampireacademybooks.com . There are 5 books: Vampire Academy, Frostbite, Shadow Kiss, Blood Promise and Spirit Bound. The Last Sacrifice is comming out on the 7th, December, 2010.
b) Georgina Kincaid - These are about a succubus called Georgina Kincaid and her life and how she tries to have a normal life, despite her paranormal personality. Her archdemon, Jerome, and his angelic co partner, Carter both make sure the Georgie stays safe and does her work. She has vampire, imp, incubi, angelic, demonic and human friends which help her get by her daily life. She also meets the famous bestselling author Seth and falls in love, but can she deal with a non physical realtion? More importantly, can he? There are 5 books: Succubus Blues, Succubus On Top, Succubus Dreams, Succubus Heat and Succubus Shadows. There is no site for these series but you can find all the info on www.richellemead.com
c) Black Swan Series - Eugine is a shaman. But not a usual one. Although she works in the human world, she soon becomes tied to the fairy/ gentry one. Her presence nerves various fairy people for reasons linked to her ancestry but she has no idea why suddenly the spirits she banishes from the human world start calling her name, as she goes by Oldie Black Swan. Not to mention that suddenly all male elements and spirts are trying to get her into bed. Her love life is torn between Kiyo, the kitsune and Dorian, the king of Oakland. Up til now, only 2 books were published: Storm Born and Thorn Queen. Again, no site: www.richellemead.com

3)Graceling and Fire - Kristen Cashore
a) Graceling - Graceling takes place in 7 kingdoms: Wester, Nander, Estill, Sunder, Middluns, Monsea and Leinid. There are people in these lands which have an eye of each colour called Graceling. A Graceling can be Graced with mind reading, fighting, or running backwards and climbing. Katsa is graced with Killing. She is on a mission to rescue the missing father of the Leinid King. She does not know why the father of the Leinid King was kiddnaped, but fears it has something to do with the one eyed king... This is Kristin Cashore's site: www.kristincashore.blogspot.com
b) Fire - It takes place much before Graceling and is set on the kingdom of Dells, where monsters habbit. Monsters and uniquely colour animals. Fire is the last human monster, and she can read feelings and thoughts of other people. Her flamming hair attracts all kinds of other monsters, as monsters crave each others blood. When the throne of King Nash is being threatened, Fire joins forces with Brigan, Nash, Clara and Garan to defeat their neighbours Mydogg and Genetian. Kingdoms aside, a mysterious archer seems to be shooting different people and clounding their minds with a kind of "fog".

4)The Cardturner - Louis Sachar
Alton has been forced to call his uncle Lester Trapp since he was a little kid, even though Lester isnt even his uncle, he is his mothers uncle. Uncle Lester has diabetes and is blind and is at the brink of death. Trapp is also a very well known bridge player, even being blind. Toni, his previous cardturner, is skitsophrenic and some how lost her job. Alton is then his new cardturner, paid 57 dollars for every bridge game he takes his uncle to, and slowly discovers how to play bridge himself. Louis Sachar wrote various books worth reading and here is his site: www.louissachar.com

5)Mortal Instruments - Cassandra Clare
Consits of 3 books: City of Bones, City of Ashes and City of Glass. Clary, Jace, Izzy, Alex, and Max are all Shadowhunters; Nephlim, part angel, part human. They work to banish spirits and restore peace in the human world. Simon and Luke are Clary's best friend and father-like figure, but are both downworlders and do not get along with Jace and Co. Yes, yes, Clary and Jace do fall in love, but a horrible twist happens. The forth book City of Fallen Angels is out on the 31st, March, 2011. The official site is: www.mortalinstruments.com

6)Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan
Percy is not an average teenager. He as dyslexia and ADD. He has changed schools various times. He is a Demigod. Percy, along with his best frieds Annabeth and Grover are always setting out to save the worlds of both gods and humans. Percy Jackson series has 5 books and an extra guide: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters, Percy Jackson and the Titans Curse, Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth, Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian and Demigod Files. Here is Riordans site: www.rickriordan.com

7)Strange Angels and Betrayals - Lilith St. Crow
Dru and her father know about the real world. One night, Drus dad comes back as a zombie and she is forced to kill him. Since then monsters keep attacking her. She befriends a Emo Guy called Graves (lol much?) and vamp, Christophe. She soon finds out that she is not normal. The 3rd book, Jealousy, comes out on the 29th, July, 2010. The site: www.strange-angels.com

8)Fallen - Lauren Kate
Luce has seen shadows her whole life. She was sent to this new school for crazy people because she 'killed' her boyfriend. Her room mate Ariana is kept under a eletricity emiting bracelet. There are security cameras everywhere. THe new student, like her, Daniel feels extremely familiar to her, but she doesnt know why. The second book, Torment, comes out 28th September, 2010. The site: www.laurenkatebooks.net

9)Hush Hush - Becca Fitzpatrick
Nora and Vee are best friends and lab partners. This changes when their bio teacher decides to change the seating arragements for the next topic: sex. Noras new partner is the myterious exchange student, Patch. Nora starts seeing Patch everywhere and accuses him of stalking her. She dislikes Patch because of his arrogance and yet, feels very attracted to her.He seems to know a lot about her, without even knowing her. Apart from Patch, Nora is being followed by a mysterious man with a ski mask. What will she do about Patch and about this ski man? The second book Crescendo is comming out 29th, October, 2010. The site: www.beccafitzpatrick.com

Yes, most of them are for girls. After all, I am a girl =)
Hope youll find these helpful.

PS can anyone explain to me, why are teenager girls (like myself) soo addicted to vampires and things of the likes?

Wow! Time passes by sooo. quickly

Heyy guys!
Its been such a long time!! I havent written here since what? March? Wow! So instead of writinhg about the events in different posts, I will quickly and briefly describe what happened between brasilia and now. Well, basically NOTHING. I did have a birthday party and it was pretty good =) take a look: -->

Ah! There was the prize giving at my school, yes on the last day of school before we had holidays. Im proud to say that I did get the Music and McCann prize this year =D My friends, specially Rafael and Filshill also won several prizes! Im sooo proud of them =)

Hm, my best friend is also moving to another school, which is sad, but at least shes stil in Brazil! We had this goodbye party at my other friends house.

And alas, HOLIDAYS! Back to blogging, watching LOADS of films, reading even more books, waking up at 12:00 and doing absolutely NOTHING. Up til now, I've read 18 books and i will make suggestions on my next post.

So, that is about it =)
Talk to you guys later!
Lissa (a.k.a. Xinezah)